
+1 (408) 796-9710

Dr. Mojgan Nodoushani

Board Member - Treasurer
Mojgan Nodoushani has been an advocate for clinical pharmacy programs since she received her doctorate of pharmacy degree. Mojgan has been the pharmacy clinical manager at El Camino Health since January 2007. Prior to her joining the El Camino Inpatient Pharmacy team, she did clinical pharmacy work at Washington Hospital and was the pharmacy Clinical Coordinator at Community Hospital of Los Gatos from 2002-2006. During her time at El Camino Health, Mojgan has established many pharmacy driven protocols as well as a new Antimicrobial Stewardship program. Her most recent success is the launch of the inaugural pharmacy residency program in which we currently have two residents working under her preceptorship. Mojgan fondly recalls her PGY1 pharmacy residency program at Hartford Hospital in CT and often shares her stories of having to sleep overnight at the hospital to cover multiple shifts including graveyard during the cold east coast winter storms and closed icy roads! Her preceptors gave her an eye-opening experience during her residency and she wanted to make sure to return that experience to her residents. Mojgan has also served as a volunteer at International Bio-Med Society (IBMS), coordinating professional networking events. In her spare time, Mojgan likes to cook (she has won a heart healthy food competition on at El Camino in the past), and spending time with her family. Mojgan is happy to live and work in the El Camino District Community.

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